I recently constructed a SQL query that preformed rather poorly. The query involved selecting about 10,000 records with a complicted subquery. It was noticeably slow and needed to be improved. It was easy to see that the subquery was running for each record, like a loop. This is known as a correlated subquery. The refactor involved removing the loop and executing the subquery just once. Here’s how it went down:

Correlated Subquery

A correlated subquery is like a loop. It will executed once for each row in the outer query. Thus, correlated subqueries can be costly. Here is a somewhat contrived example using Postgres:

SELECT name,
       (SELECT AVG((relative_velocity->> 'miles_per_hour')::Numeric)
        FROM close_approaches
        WHERE id = close_approaches.asteroid_id) AS avg_velocity
FROM asteroids
ORDER BY avg_velocity DESC;

Here, we want the average relative_velocity of the close approaches for each asteroid. The avg_velocity subquery is correlated since it runs for each selected asteroid in the outer query.

If you’re wondering about the relative_velocity->> 'miles_per_hour' syntax, that’s just PostgreSQL JSON operator for selecting the miles_per_hour key from the relative_velocity JSON field.

To demonstrate the expense of such a query, for let’s say 10,000 asteroids each with several close approaches, we can use the EXPLAIN function on the query. Using EXPLAIN will give us a ton of information about the full execution plan, but we’re just interested in the Total Cost for this demonstration. We’ll use the Total Cost as a benchmark comparison when optimizing to use a complete subquery below.

By the way, I am using EXPLAIN (FORMAT JSON) because I find the format a bit easier to read. Here are the results for the above query:

     "Plan": {
       "Node Type": "Sort",
       "Parallel Aware": false,
       "Startup Cost": 236908.35,
       "Total Cost": 236933.34,
       "Plan Rows": 9993,
       "Plan Width": 61,
       "Sort Key": ["((SubPlan 1)) DESC"],
       "Plans": [

There’s a lot more to this, but I’m only showing the first part with the Total Cost, which is 236933.34. Let’s see how much lower our cost can be when we refactor this query to get rid of the correlated subquery in favor of a complete subquery.

Complete Subquery

A complete subquery (also just known as a subquery), can manifest itself as a JOIN. We’ll take this JOIN approach and refactor our query to join asteroids to the result of a subquery like this:

SELECT name,
FROM asteroids
     JOIN (SELECT asteroid_id,
                  (SELECT AVG((relative_velocity->> 'miles_per_hour')::Numeric)) AS avg_velocity
           FROM close_approaches
           GROUP BY asteroid_id) AS avg_velocities
     ON avg_velocities.asteroid_id = asteroids.id
ORDER BY avg_velocity DESC;

Here, in addition to the avg_velocity computation, our subquery also selects the asteroid_id from close_approaches, since we use it to join back to asteroids and group the average velocities per asteroid. The important thing here is that the subquery runs only once, rather than for each asteroid like the first example. All we need to do is join the asteroids to the result of the subquery.

Overall, re-writing the query this way makes it a bit more verbose and complex, but lets see how it performs:


     "Plan": {
       "Node Type": "Sort",
       "Parallel Aware": false,
       "Startup Cost": 8575.66,
       "Total Cost": 8600.67,
       "Plan Rows": 10007,
       "Plan Width": 61,
       "Sort Key": ["((SubPlan 1)) DESC"],
       "Plans": [

In the first example the Total Cost was 236933.34. After refactoring to a complete subquery we’re down to a Total Cost of 8600.67. That’s over 27 times cheaper! 🙂


Correlated subqueries aren’t always bad. Sometimes they may perform well enough. But if you’re finding it too slow, look to refactoring the query to use a single subquery on which to join. Remember to use EXPLAIN for comparison bench-marking.
